Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 15 Jun. In custody of the United States of America, as of July 2007. Other information: Al-Qaida senior official. Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1961 POB: Mosul, Iraq Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdal Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi b) Abd Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Abdallah Nationality: Iraqi Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 QDi.012 Name: 1: NASHWAN 2: ABD AL-RAZZAQ 3: ABD AL-BAQI 4: na Involved in the transport of weapons to Afghanistan. Operated a training camp for non-Afghan fighters in Paktika Province. Taliban Shadow Governor for Orgun District, Paktika Province as of earlyĢ010. Other information: Key commander in the Haqqani Network (TAe.012) under Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1969 POB: Sheykhan Village, Pirkowti Area, Orgun District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Aziz Mahsud Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 4 Oct. 2011 TAi.155 Name: 1: ABDUL AZIZ 2: ABBASIN 3: na 4: na

Information about de-listing may be found on the Committee's website at: The list consists of the two sections specified below: Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List