Public radio international abdi omar and his car collection
Public radio international abdi omar and his car collection

public radio international abdi omar and his car collection

Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 15 Jun. In custody of the United States of America, as of July 2007. Other information: Al-Qaida senior official. Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1961 POB: Mosul, Iraq Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdal Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi b) Abd Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Abdallah Nationality: Iraqi Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 QDi.012 Name: 1: NASHWAN 2: ABD AL-RAZZAQ 3: ABD AL-BAQI 4: na Involved in the transport of weapons to Afghanistan. Operated a training camp for non-Afghan fighters in Paktika Province. Taliban Shadow Governor for Orgun District, Paktika Province as of earlyĢ010. Other information: Key commander in the Haqqani Network (TAe.012) under Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1969 POB: Sheykhan Village, Pirkowti Area, Orgun District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Aziz Mahsud Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 4 Oct. 2011 TAi.155 Name: 1: ABDUL AZIZ 2: ABBASIN 3: na 4: na

public radio international abdi omar and his car collection

Information about de-listing may be found on the Committee's website at: The list consists of the two sections specified below: Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List

Public radio international abdi omar and his car collection