Deprotect warcraft 3 maps
Deprotect warcraft 3 maps

deprotect warcraft 3 maps
  1. Deprotect warcraft 3 maps install#
  2. Deprotect warcraft 3 maps code#
  3. Deprotect warcraft 3 maps zip#

reuseTranslations: useful when object ids don't match like in randomized ids maps, making transfering old translations to new map hard.koreanExportToken: subplugin of exportTokens that sets what needs to be exported.importTokens: imports the exported tokens by exportTokens.Check usage in Translating a map from scratch

deprotect warcraft 3 maps

  • exportTokens: exports strings to translate via something like google translate.
  • Beware that this can result in false positives for cases where it is a string that does not need to be different.
  • setUntranslated: this plugin checks if there is no translation available for a string (no newTranslated or oldTranslated is equal to newUntranslated).
  • ignoreStrings: similar but with specific strings I don't want to translate.
  • Deprotect warcraft 3 maps code#

    It loads the map code and searches for some patterns to ignore and removes those from the output (I don't need to translate player names that bought something). ignorePlayers: plugin specific to eden but could be useful to make a similar for your own map.setOnlySpacingDiff: this plugin checks if the only thing that changed between old and new korean are just spaces, in which case it adds a onlySpacingDiff property to those (useful to know at a quick glance that nothing changed other than spacing).The newTranslated property will be filled and an additional numberGuessed property will appear for you to know that string was translated this way (might need to validate its right). In that case, it will try to attempt an auto translation based on the old translation and the new changes. guessTranslations: this plugin checks if the only thing that changed between old and new korean are just numbers/tooltip colors.This is useful to check if something is still left untranslated, although it is not new setKorean: this plugin uses regex to check if your old translation still has korean chars.This is useful so you can search for this in the output to know what you need to translate. setChanged: this plugin checks if the old korean map string is different than the new one and if it is, will add a changed property and the newTranslated property for you to write.Check the plugins folder for some examples: There is also a plugins system, which would allow you to extend the functionality with your own plugins.

    deprotect warcraft 3 maps

    If the file output format will be yaml or json according to the extension used in command (yaml recommended). Node toJson.js map1 map2 map3 output.yamlįor lack of better name, this is the command that takes the new untranslated map you want to translate and optionally, the old translated + untranslated versions and outputs all the relevant strings into a file.

    Deprotect warcraft 3 maps install#

    Go to main directory and run npm install.

    Deprotect warcraft 3 maps zip#

    Either clone the repo with git (very recommended), download as zip and extraxt (recommended), or run npm install juvian/wc3-translate.Some features may be specific to the map I translate but most should be aplicable to any map. This point really bothered me, especially when I had 100+ ability tooltips changing because of a single number change in them.Īfter many years of living with this issues finally decided to make my own tool. But in wcstrings we will just see all in korean, having to go to older files, check if korean source was similar to current one to notice what changed and then if it was just a few details, go to the translated file, reuse translation and then apply the change. Most of the times, an item or ability tooltip change a single character, line or number. Kind of fixable by installing a lua sintax checker and making sure the sintax is good after finishing each file. If you messed up a file, it won't show any error and will just ignore all the translation for it.This never happened to me but know people that need to go this route. Need to extract files, make a new mpq with mpqmaster, add files and translate that one instead. It is a really old program with a really old stormlib version, certain maps can't even be read by it and there is no way to just give it the files.Made a python script for this so it didn't bother me as much. No easy way to ignore certain lines, which I know are names of players that bought something in the game.I solved this with a python script so didn't bother me too much. No easy way to track things you needed to translate with a new version (there is a changes output but it was not always relevant for the strings to translate, and there was no option for strings in script/wts files).There were a few details that always bothered me about wcstrings: It is a great tool, but author disappeared and the website it was hosted on died. I have been translating eden rpg map since 2017 with wcstrings. Node translation tool for warcraft 3 maps Motivation

    Deprotect warcraft 3 maps